GESUR performs overall survival (OS) or disease free survival (DFS, also called relapse-free survival and RFS) analysis based on expression of a gene set. GESUR uses Log-rank test, a.k.a the Mantel–Cox test, for hypothesis test. Cohorts thresholds can be adjusted, and gene-pairs can be used. The cox proportional hazard ratio and the 95% confidence interval information can also be included in the survival plot.


  • Gene: Input a gene set of interest.
  • Methods: Select the OS or DFS survival method.
  • Model Types: Select the single- or multi- cox model for survival analysis.
  • Axis Units: Select Month or Day unit for plotting.
  • Datasets Selection/Datasets: Select one or multiple cancer types of interest in the “Dataset Selection” field and click “add” to build dataset list in the “Datasets” field. Also, manual input of cancer types split by comma (e.g. COAD,READ) is also acceptable.
  • Color Reverse: Choose whether to reverse the default color.
  • Group Cutoff: Select a suitable expression threshold for splitting the high-expression and low-expression cohorts. Best cutoff means that with each TPM value between the 20th and 80th percentiles as a cutoff, the best P values of the survival differences of the stratified two populations were examined by log-rank tests.
  • Cutoff-High(%): Samples with expression level higher than this threshold are considered as the high-expression cohort.
  • Cutoff-Low(%): Samples with expression level lower than this threshold are considered the low-expression cohort.

--- Help ---

Input a gene set using symbol or id.
Add the 95% CI as dotted line.
Reset Add The patients are based on above cancer list.